Travel Plans for 2017

Where did the last year go?! 2016 seemed to fly by, and here I sit on another January 1st, trying to figure out what I want to accomplish in the coming year. In 2016, my travels were quite limited, but I did make time for 3 different trips.

In May, I flew to Argentina to chase my heart a bit. Ask me about that sometime. I spent 3 weeks in Mendoza, learning Spanish, drinking Wine, and connecting/ reconnecting with people. It was an incredible trip and I wish I could have stayed there longer!

My summer consisted of mostly just working, playing Gaelic Football, and raising a kitten that I rescued in traffic downtown.

Then in early September, I went to Seattle for the North American Gaelic Football Championship weekend. It was a quick trip but I got to meet some people from clubs around the country. Definitely looking forward to attending a few tournaments in 2017.

My final trip of the year was an even shorter weekend trip home to Michigan in early December. I took a redeye flight on a Thursday night and was scheduled to fly out early on Monday morning. I made sure to pack just about every minute of my schedule because it had been well over a year since my last visit. Lots of friends, family, and food – it was another successful trip.

This year I have a few ideas of what I want to accomplish, in terms of traveling and thanks to the benefits of my new credit card, I will not be paying for my flights. (Yay points!)

I am turning 30 years old near the end of August and would like to spend some time in Europe to celebrate it. I have been telling myself for over a decade that I would like to travel through Europe and just keep putting it off. While I was able to travel to a brilliant wedding in France for few days back in 2010, I was quite restricted time-wise, so there wasn’t too much time to experience more than Paris. This year, I am quite set on making it work. I WILL be in Europe for at least a few weeks!

There is a lot of time between now and then, so I would definitely like to squeeze in another trip, maybe to an island somewhere to surf, relax, and do some diving.

Also, my father got engaged about a week ago, so I imagine I will be heading back to Michigan at least once or twice this year. While there is no official date set for the wedding yet, I imagine it will be before the end of the year.

Lastly, I would really like to travel to a Gaelic Football tournament at some point this summer. If the Cougars don’t travel to any, then I’d like to reach out to my old club in Detroit and join them for a weekend if possible.

While this is not an extremely in-depth schedule of my pending travels, it will serve as a nice reminder to myself for where I’d like to travel this year.

Where do you plan on traveling in 2017? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter. Happy new year!

Originally published on Restless Reserve.